British Columbia Chapter News
Local businesses in Whistler adjust their recruitment methods
When your business is in the heart of a town driven by tourism, it is essential to find skilled labour to provide the best customer service possible. Finding and retaining the people you need is among the biggest challenges of any company: especially in the restoration business. ACSESS member, Kael Campbell president of Red Seal Recruiting Solution, spoke about these challenges with a reporter from Pique Magazine. As a leader in recruitment, Campbell recognises that the wage gap for the industry, and particularly some of the top jobs, is obvious.
“The main reason it's hard to staff culinary positions is unattractive wages, said Kael Campbell, president of Red Seal Recruiting Solutions.
"Good rates for chefs in Whistler in roles requiring supervision, certification and 4-plus years of experience compare to entry level labour and starting apprenticeship wages for a carpenter," Campbell wrote in an email.
"Why stay or start in the tourism and hospitality industry where getting to the top position, after years of experience, is basically valued as much as the bottom or starting wage for your friends getting into construction?"
Campbell said restaurants need to look at who they recruit and how they retain them, including having a clear training, promotion and retention plan as well as targeting under-employed groups like people with disabilities, who tend to stay in jobs longer.”
To read the entire article published by Braden Dupuis in Pique Magazine, click here.
On June 23 ACSESS Vancouver Presents: Keynote Speaker Steve Jones!
360o Desk Performance Management
This afternoon session with Steve Jones reviews the business planning, activities and metrics associated with running a multifaceted super desk. Designed for staffing industry managers and extremely relevant for consultants, this session is focused on the activities and attitudes that make the difference between average and extraordinary performance.
For complete information, click here.
ACSESS Staffing for Canada Week – Premier's message
Dear ACSESS British Columbia member,
Please click here to view message from Premier Christy Clark in support of the staffing services industry as we prepare to celebrate Staffing for Canada Week 2015.
Message from Premier Christy Clark
Mary McIninch, B.A, LL.B (Membre du Barreau du Québec)
Executive Director, Government Relations/Directrice Générale
Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services
Association Nationale des Entreprises en Recrutement et Placement de Personnel
T 905-826-6869 | Toll free 888-232-4962
Forms for Employment Agencies - The Province of British Columbia
Renewal of Employment Agency Licence Application. PDF version. These forms should be sent to the Prince George office of the Employment Standards Branch, together with a non-refundable fee of $100.00 payable to the Director of Employment Standards.
For complete information, click here.
Forms for Employment Agencies - The Province of British Columbia
Renewal of Employment Agency Licence Application. PDF version. These forms should be sent to the Prince George office of the Employment Standards Branch, together with a non-refundable fee of $100.00 payable to the Director of Employment Standards.
For complete information, click here.
Employment Agencies - The Province of British Columbia
The Employment Standards Act requires that a person must not operate an employment agency unless the person is licensed under the Act. An employment agency is defined as “a person who, for a fee, recruits or offers to recruit employees for employers”. If a person is operating an employment agency for the sole purpose of hiring employees exclusively for one employer, a licence is not required.
For complete information, click here.
Employment Agencies Factsheet - The Province of British Columbia
In British Columbia, employment agencies must be licensed under the Employment Standards Act. A licensed employment agency may receive payment from employers for recruiting employees.
For complete information, click here.