Toronto Chapter News
Premier's Message - Staffing for Canada Week
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I’m delighted to extend greetings to everyone celebrating Staffing for Canada Week, an event organized by the Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services (ACSESS).
As Premier, I’m very pleased to have this opportunity to acknowledge the vital role that temporary workers play in our workforce and the valuable support they provide to our province’s many businesses. I would also like to recognize the significant contributions made by temporary workers and by the staffing industry to our economy and prosperity.
I want to thank ACSESS for making this year’s edition of Staffing for Canada Week possible, and for its dedication to advancing the interests and growth of Canada’s staffing and recruiting industry.
Best wishes for a memorable Staffing for Canada Week.
Doug Ford
Message from the Premier of Ontario
Mary McIninch, B.A, LL.B (Membre du Barreau du Québec)
Executive Director, Government Relations/Directrice Générale
Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services
Association Nationale des Entreprises en Recrutement et Placement de Personnel
T 905-826-6869 | Toll free 888-232-4962
ACSESS Ontario Event WSIB Rate Reform Consultations 2015
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Overview of WSIB Rate Reform Consultations – Implications on the Staffing Services industry and association positioning
Guest speaker: Ryan Conlin, Stringer, LLP
- Date: Tuesday June 2, 2014
- Time: 9:00am - 11:00am
- Location: Randstad Canada
Training Room 1A
777 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M5G 2C8 - Price: $25.00 Members | $35 Non Members
- RSVP Sinead Finnegan
Sold Out!
sponsored by:
ACSESS H&S Law Course for Staffing Professionals
Full-Day Training Course on H&S Laws
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ACSESS is excited to host, in collaboration with James Ebidia of Proactive Health & Safety Solutions, a One Full-Day Training on H&S Laws specifically for Recruiters and Account Managers, alike.
Did you know that you are considered a Supervisor as per the Ontario health and Safety Act? Knowing your rights go beyond internal house training by your Health and Safety Reps. The law recognizes you as a Supervisor and expects a certain level of competency. Its time to understand your rights.
Designed for anyone who could be defined as a "supervisor" under the OHSA - anyone in an organization that directs work or has authority over a worker.
Course Outline
- Health and Safety Law & The Concept of Due Diligence
- General Duties of Employers, Managers, Supervisors, Employees
- Health & Safety Representatives/Joint Health and Safety Committees
- Work Refusal & Work Stoppage
- MOL Notification Requirements, Enforcement, Offences and Penalties
- Regulated Activities
- Other Acts, Codes and Standards
- A Health and Safety Management System Approach to Compliance Course Start Date and Time
DATE: June 19th, 2015
TIME: 8:30 Registration, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. One hour Lunch Break.
COST: $125 Safety Group Members, $250 Members, $325 Non-Members
Please note: This course includes all presentation material, most recent "Occupational Health & Safety Act" book, and Certificate upon course completion.
James Ebidia CRSP, ASA, RN
James is the founder and president of Proactive Health and Safety Solutions (PHSS) specializing in occupational health, safety management systems development, auditing and training. For over 25 years James has been practicing as a Canadian Registered Safety Professional both in the private and public sectors and as a public speaker. He has been involved with many industries such as manufacturing, retail, nuclear, federal and municipal governments, telecommunications and restaurants and the staffing industry to name a few.
James has worked with the ACSESS since 2008 in providing support to the Ontario Safety Group Members and assisting staffing organization develop their health and safety programs to ensure employee safety and legislative compliance.
James has worked with ACSESS in dealing with the Ministry of Labour to address the unique health and safety challenges of the industry.
ACSESS Staffing for Canada Week – Premier's message
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Please click here to view message from Premier Kathleen Wynne in support of the staffing services industry as we prepare to celebrate Staffing for Canada Week 2015.
The Myth of the Passive Job Seeker".
ACSESS Update Bill 161
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Dear Ontario Members:
Please be informed that ACSESS is continuing to actively represent our members' interests with respect to Bill 161 (A Private Member's Bill to introduce licensing of employment agencies and temporary staffing providers).
ACSESS is meeting with the Minister of Labour's Advisors.
ACSESS is registered to appear at the Hearings scheduled for May 3rd.
ACSESS has a tentative meeting arranged with Vic Dhillon's (MPP) staff.
We recognize that the Bill was introduced in an effort to "protect vulnerable workers". Our submission and meetings will explain the importance of already existing statutes and regulations, and will convey our desire to work with government to improve communications and enforcements as needed. We have already stated our desire to support any initiatives that will raise the bar for our industry. At the same time, we continue to emphasize that Bill 161 as written does not meet its intended objectives, and to stress the importance of involving ACSESS as an industry partner to proactively address and develop solutions - including licensing - to the issues raised.
We will keep you informed on this file and will share the executive summary of our consultation paper with all members. In the meantime, your input is encouraged and we ask that you please notify ACSESS if your company has also registered to appear at the Hearings.
Thank you for your support.
With kind regards,
Amanda Curtis, CAE
Executive Director Association of Canadian Search, Employment & Staffing Services
905-826-6869 / 1-888-232-4962
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On January 10th, 2007, ACSESS met with senior representatives of the Ontario Ministry of Labour. At the time of our meeting, our employment issues committee was informed by MOL senior policy directors that "Employment Standards Officers" would be conducting random audits on Ontario based temporary staffing services to review compliance with the Ontario Employment Standards Act.
The Ministry advised that this is the 3rd phase of a three year project that has already covered the restaurant and retail industries. These audits are specific to ensureEmployment Standards Act compliance and should not be confused with Safety audits which are also performed by the Ministry of Labour.
This will be an intense industry review performed by approximately 20 auditors during the months of January through April 30, 2007. Special attention will be given to the issues ofvacation pay, public holiday pay, hours of work, overtime, minimum wage and related administrative issues.
Ministry representatives have emphasized that this is a positive initiative that encourages voluntary compliance within the various industries affected, and they look forward to working cooperatively with members of the staffing industry.
As employers of record, we are confident that ACSESS members are in full compliance. However, we do strongly encourage you to notify all your branches to ensure that you are fully prepared in the event of an audit. Please also let your staff know that while auditors are not required to provide notice prior to their attendance, they will most likely schedule an appointment in advance.
Please contact our national offices should you have any questions.
Best regards,
Amanda Curtis ACSESS Executive Director |
Mary McIninch Manager of Government Relations ACSESS |