Core Industry Training (CIT) Modules

The five core modules are:
Legal Aspects Staffing Services including Government Regulations, Employment Standards


  • To understand and demonstrate knowledge of Co-Employment issues in the staffing industry
  • To understand and explain Employment Standards legislation including relevant sections.
  • To understand and explain the definition of an "Elect to Work" employee.

Legal Aspects Recruitment Practices including Human Rights, PIPEDA, Employment Equity


  • To understand and explain applicable Human Rights legislation including: employment applications, hiring practices, discrimination, duty to accommodate and harassment.
  • To understand and demonstrate the principles of diversity and equality in the workplace.
  • To understand and demonstrate knowledge of PIPEDA and Employment Equity.

Health and Safety


  • To understand and demonstrate knowledge of the relevant regulations of the Occupational Health & Safety Act, including WHMIS, Critical Injury, designated substances and first aid.
  • To understand and demonstrate knowledge of responsibilities and regulations under applicable provincial Compensation Acts.
  • To understand and demonstrate knowledge of the basic injury/illness reporting requirements

Recruitment and Selection

Key steps and processes that contribute to effective sourcing of candidates and choosing the candidate most likely to fit client requirements.


  • To recognize and demonstrate knowledge of the required steps in the recruitment and selection process.
  • To identify and demonstrate knowledge of Behavioural and Situational interviews.
  • To understand and demonstrate knowledge of the importance of screening, testing and reference checking.

Business Practices and Ethics

Key steps and processes that contribute to effective sourcing of candidates and choosing the candidate most likely to fit client requirements.


  • To identify unethical client and candidate behaviour and demonstrate knowledge of how to handle.
  • To recognize and explain differences between ethical and unethical staffing practices.
  • To demonstrate knowledge of acceptable industry business practices.
  • To be aware of the legal and professional ramifications of unethical business practices and the process for reporting unethical business practices.

Cost is $175 plus 13% HST per module

Note: Non-members are permitted to enroll in the CPC Modules for $300 + 13% HST, however, they can not write the examinations or achieve the CPC designation.