Industry Press
Eurociett advocacy video / collection of columns
Dear Eurociett members,
I'm sure you are all aware of the power of video in this digital age. Websites with video have longer average duration of visits, tweets with image and video receive higher engagement, etc. For this reason, Eurociett has produced a short video of its own. In it, Eurociett President Annemarie Muntz and managing director Denis Pennel speak about our industry, today's challenges to labour markets, and about how governments can make it easier for our industry to contribute to better functioning labour markets. The video is now on youtube and is embedded on I invite you all to take a look, and of course to share the video with your own members and stakeholders and on social media. Also feel free to include it in any presentations you may want to give. If you want the full file, please let me know and I can send it to you. Unfortunately we do not yet have a Ciett version of the video, but one may follow in due time.
Secondly, I want to draw your attention to a new section on the Ciett and Eurociett website, where we collect all our columns, opinions etc. This gives you a nice overview of some of the topics that we often comment upon: Changing world of work, undeclared work, the need for appropriate regulation, decent work, skills, the stepping stone function and much much more. Monthly, at least two new articles will be added to the database. Feel free to browse this section for inspiration, quotes etcetera.
Best of regards,
Menno Bart
Communications & Economic Affairs Adviser
T: +32 (0)2-4211587
M: +32 (0)485-678329