Recent Notices to Members
Promotional Ideas for Globe and Mail Leadership Lab column from Mary McIninch
Dear Ontario members,
Today the Globe and Mail published a contributed article called HR leaders need to tap into their data gold mine under my byline. It includes commentary from ACSESS leaders Jeff Nugent, Managing Director, Contingent Workforce Solutions and Marc-Étienne Julien, CEO Randstad. Eighty-two per cent of organizations plan to focus on workplace analytics in the next three years (2016 report by prestigious Society for HR Management Foundation/ Economist Magazine Intelligence Unit). Our submission offers Canadian leaders advice on how to take the next step in data analytics to create competitive advantage. It's another one of our successes after launching our PR/Communications strategy to share our expertise and thought leadership. The Globe's Leadership Lab is a good fit for ACSESS. This article is our second submission. The first was The Gig economy: just the ticket for transitioning boomers. We would invite all members to help us spread the word via your corporate and personal social media platforms.
Mary McIninch, B.A, LL.B (Membre du Barreau du Quebec) |
Executive Director, Government Relations/Directrice Générale
Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services
Association Nationale des Entreprises en Recrutement et Placement de Personnel
2233 Argentia Road, Suite 100, Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2X7
T 905-826-6869 | Toll free 888-232-4962