Recent Notices to Members

REGISTER NOW: ACSESS Health and Safety Laws for the Staffing Industry

One Full-Day Training Course:

H&S Laws for the Staffing Industry

ACSESS is excited to host, in collaboration with James Ebidia of Proactive Health & Safety Solutions, a One Full-Day Training on Health and Safety Laws designed specifically for Recruiters and Account Managers within the Staffing Industry.


Did you know that you are considered a Supervisor as per the Ontario health and Safety Act (OHSA)? Knowing your rights go beyond internal house training by your Health and Safety Representatives. The law recognizes you as a Supervisor and expects a certain level of competency – Its time to understand your rights.

Designed for anyone who could be defined as a "supervisor" under the OHSA – anyone in an organization that directs work or has authority over a worker.

Course Outline

  • Health and Safety Law & The Concept of Due Diligence
  • General Duties of Employers, Managers, Supervisors, Employees
  • Health & Safety Representatives/Joint Health and Safety Committees
  • Work Refusal & Work Stoppage
  • MOL Notification Requirements, Enforcement, Offences and Penalties
  • Regulated Activities
  • Other Acts, Codes and Standards
  • A Health and Safety Management System Approach to Compliance
Date: TUESDAY April 10th, 2018
Time: 8:30 Registration/Refreshments.
9:00 am to 3:30 pm

CHSI – 5110 Creekbank Rd, Mississauga

Cost: • $150 Safety Group Members. (More Than 5 participants - $115 per registrant),
• $300 Members (More Than 5 participants - $215 per registrant),
• Non-member: $350 + HST

*Training Materials and OHSA green book provided


   Register Online   

About the Speaker:

James Ebidia CRSP, ASA, RN
James is the founder and president of Proactive Health and Safety Solutions (PHSS) specializing in occupational health, safety management systems development, auditing and training. For over 25 years James has been practicing as a Canadian Registered Safety Professional both in the private and public sectors and as a public speaker. He has been involved with many industries such as manufacturing, retail, nuclear, federal and municipal governments, telecommunications and restaurants and the staffing industry to name a few.

James has worked with ACSESS since 2008 in providing support to the Ontario Safety Group Members and assisting staffing organization develop their health and safety programs to ensure employee safety and legislative compliance.

James has also assisted in dealing with the Ministry of Labour to address the unique health and safety challenges of the industry.